Book: Tours, AD d'Indre-et-Loire, 2.I.2 (formerly NE 157) (Miroir Historial v. 4 (with Bib. der Rijksuniversiteit, Vossius gall. f° 003 A; Arsenal 5080; Chateaudun BM MS 627))

Created 1332-1333


Format: Parchment, two columns, illuminated


  • Miroir historial (complete text)
  • Ownership Details

    Joan (the Lame) of Burgundy, queen of France, Ownership Confirmed (c. 1332) by Patron.

    John II the Good of France, Ownership Confirmed (c. 1333-1364) by Inventory.

    Jean de Dunois, Ownership Possible (pre-1465-1468?) by Other.

    Charles V of France, Ownership Confirmed (1364-1380) by Inventory.

    Charles VI of France, Ownership Confirmed (1380-1413) by Inventory.

    Margaret of Burgundy, countess of Hainaut, Ownership Confirmed (September 1439-2 January 1441?) by Archival Mention.

    Charles d'Orleans, Ownership Confirmed (2 January 1441-pre-1465) by Other.


    Wijsman, Hanno. Luxury Bound: Illustrated Manuscript Production and Noble and Princely Book Ownership in the Burgundian Netherlands (1400-1550) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).

    Nys, Ludovic. "Tribulations hennuyères d'un manuscrit du Miroir Historial: A propos de trois bifeuillets conservés aux Archives départementales d'Indre-et-Loire," CRMH 27 (2014): 235-55,

    Brandsma, Margreet. Tussen twee dynastieën: Margaretha van Bourgondië (1374-1441), Gravin van Henegouzen, Holland en Zeeland (Hliversum: Verloren, 2022).: 245-46 and Table 13.1, Item 8

    Paviot, Jacques. "Mentions de livres, d'auteurs, de copistes, d'enlumineurs, de miniaturistes ("historieurs") et de libraires dans les comptes généraux du duc de Bourgogne Philippe le Bon (1419-1467)," in Miscellanea in memoriam Pierre Cockshaw (1938-2008), ed. Frank Daelemans and Ann Kelders, with Annelies Op de Beeck (Brussels: Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie, 2009), II: 413-46.: 425, no. 73